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Physical & Emotional Health

Your well-being is important for daily function and performance. Prioritizing physical well-being and nurturing emotional resilience leads to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Take less than a minute to tell us how you are feeling today. Your responses provide valuable insights, guiding us toward more effective ways to assist you.  

Deep Health Scale
Physical & Emotional

The questions and ratings below give us a better idea of your overall health & wellness. Please give us as much information as possible and be as honest as you can. Thank you.

How is your energy level lately?
Really LowKind of LowPretty GoodKind of HighReally High
How pain free are you lately?
In a lot of pain!Got some painPain some days, some notPain every now and thenPain Free!!
How physically recovered do you feel lately?
Not recovered at allRecovered some, could take moreRecovered much moreAlmost recoveredFully Recovered!!
How has your general mood and outlook been lately?
Really badNot that greatIt's been okIt's been pretty goodIt's been really great!
How well do you feel you can express your emotions directly and honestly?
Not good at allMaybe I could, I need a minutePretty goodI think I could do thatI can do that really well!
Are you able to calm yourself down when you are angry or upset?
Not well at allI might be able to after some timeI could but I would need a minuteI do really well with thisI can totally do that, easily!

Thanks so much for sharing with us! We appreciate the information you share with us.

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